Welcome to an institution dedicated to creating tomorrow’s leaders and today’s pioneers. Sahara Public School has been consistent to maintain excellence in the academic standards since its inception.
Nepal is a mountainous county with about 83% of its total area consisting of mountains and hills, undulating slopes and river valleys. Remaining 17% is occupied by the flat land of the Terai. In general, the altitude of land increases from south to north. It is as low as 61 meters in the Terai to as high as 8848 meters in the Himalayas.
Nepal has the latitude difference of about 4 degrees and the average north south width is 193 kilo meter. We can hardly find such diversity in altitude elsewhere in the world within these small variations. The country has thousands of rivers flowing from north to south forming gorges, river basins and valleys. On the basis of altitude, the country can broadly be divided into the Himalayan, Hill and terai region. It is a land-locked country and has no outlet to the sea. China lies in the north and India lies to the west, south and east.
The Campus is Well- Equipped with Facilities
Of all the prerequisites of development, human resource is the most important one. Human resource can be prepared through education. Education uplifts the level of knowledge. It helps all round development of human beings. For instance, education teaches us skill and good behaviour. Hence, it enables us to live a quality and accomplished life. Furthermore, it cannot be stolen by thieves and confiscated by the government. The more we give it to other the more it increases. For this reason, education has been regarded as the greatest wealth.
A large number of students in the world, whose parents are unable to pay schooling fees, while they have ambitions to pursue their studies and struggle to find support from any side, but failed. Their parents struggle to make bright future of their children, but they are failed to fulfill basic necessities of their house. So, it raises the question that how they will bear the fees of their children? And thus their children cannot continue their studies. In the context of Nepal most students cannot continue their studies due to poverty. Nepal is known as one of the poorest country in the world, where a large number of people are living under the poverty line.
The conditions of the Muslims of Nepal are not so miserable and their identity is under the threat. They are backward socially, educational, economically, culturally and politically. Illiteracy and poverty and ignorance are the main factor of their backwardness. Illiteracy and poverty are linked with each other. If illiteracy is removed, the poverty will be automatically removed. Keeping this concern in mind and on the requests & desires of Islamic Movement’s activists in Nepal, for development & improvement of educational standard in Muslim Community, Sahara Public School has been established at Krishna Nagar, District of Kapilvastu, State No.: 05, Nepal.
The children of rich parents/ guardians are able to pay the academic and other fees but the poor Muslims are having critical problem to educate their children because they are unable to pay the fees. Their daily income sometimes seems to fulfill the daily needs so they are failed to have burden of educating their children. They have no sufficient facilities of home as well as some are living in hut. Hence we have decided to co-operate them to teach their children by bringing them under scholarship program. And considering this conclusion, Sahara Public School has selected the poor and needy children and admitted them.